(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – There are a lot of conservatives out there who are beginning to feel weary of all the claims being made that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from President Donald Trump, even many who voted for him.
According to WND, conservative filmmaker and author Dinesh D’Souza completely understands folks feeling that way whenever someone brings up the notion of new evidence existing to prove that’s what happened, however, he said he’s willing to bet that even the most ardent skeptic and cynic among us will end up being convinced after seeing all of the evidence presented in his new documentary film, “2000 Mules,” which is debuting this week.
“This idea that this was the most secure election – I predict that this movie will blow that out of the water,” he stated during an interview with WND.
“No one who sees this movie will be able to listen to that with a straight face,” he added.
D’Souza then went on to emphasize that “this is evidence of a completely different caliber than anything we’ve seen before.”
“The evidence comes from a lengthy investigation led by True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht and data analyst and election intelligence expert Gregg Phillips based on cell phone location data, surveillance video and whistleblower testimony. As Engelbrecht told WND in an interview last week, through a tedious process of combing through two petabytes of data they uncovered a highly coordinated operation in key battleground states carried out by left-wing groups that collected mail-in ballots and paid ‘mules’ to stuff them in unattended drop boxes, typically in the middle of the night,” the report said.
“D’Souza told WND that viewers will laugh at the claim that the 2020 election was the most secure ever because they will have seen ‘video upon video upon video’ of illegal ballot trafficking,” WND reported.
“And when you look at the mules, their behavior is inherently suspicious,” the conservative filmmaker went on to say.
“I mean these are guys wearing gloves. They look to the left and the right to make sure they’re not being seen. They take photos of the ballots going in so they can get paid,” D’Souza continued.
“It’s these little details watching this movie that convince you that you are actually watching a criminal operation being executed,” the filmmaker stated.
The film was shown in theaters all across America on Monday. There’s another theatrical showing of the movie on Wednesday night, as well as a live streamed event to be held in Las Vegas on Saturday. Following the showing there will be a Q&A session with D’Souza, Engelbrecht, and Phillips, along with conservative radio host Larry Elder, Eric Metaxas, and Sebastian Gorka.
The film will then be available to be watched on a new streaming platform from Rumble called Locals.
According to D’Souza, the first part of the movie, which was produced by Salem Media Groups, features Salem hosts who had not seen the evidence that was compiled by True the Vote when it was filmed.
“Dennis Prager and Larry Elder, in particular, express skepticism that any evidence had emerged that could move the needle on the political and media establishment narrative of the 2020 election,” the WND report said. “In the second act, they’re shown the evidence, and the third act features their spontaneous reaction.”
“This is going to be a smoking gun,” Elder stated. “This is O.J. Simpson being seen leaving the scene of the crime.”
“I don’t care how partisan you are. You can’t dismiss all of this. How do you explain somebody going to a whole bunch of different drop boxes with a whole bunch of different ballots, on the same night, at 3:57 a.m. in the morning?” He added.
“How do you explain it?” he went on to ask. “I think a whole bunch of people in this country are going to be going, ‘Oh – my – God.'”
Copyright 2022. TeaParty.org
The SCOTUS leak seems planned to distract.. I could be wrong, but I kinda doubt it.
You’re spot on ..it’s the progressive trash leaking this !
I don’t need a movie to convince
me of something that I all ready
know. Anyone with an ounce of
brains knows the election was
stolen and this whole Covid bull
shit was the catalyst to run interference so the democrats
could pull it off. Before the election Hillary the liar Clinton
told China Joe not to coincide
the election. These criminals are
the lowest form parasites to inhabit this earth. My only wish
it to see each and every one of
these gutter trash be eradicated.
ESAD bastards
Amen, Amen and Amen!