Biden’s New COVID Czar Has Bad News For America

( Exclusive) – Biden’s new COVID Czar is already proving the federal government has no plans of allowing the COVID charade to end any time soon. They are going to hold on to whatever mitigation efforts and rules they can so COVID is never too far from memory.

Dr. Ashish Jha, the White House coronavirus-response coordinator, said Monday that despite the public transportation mask mandate being set to expire next week, it won’t be going anywhere, anytime soon.

But, isn’t COVID over? No. COVID will never be over. At least not with these maniacal psychopaths in control.

Now there’s yet another variant of the SARS-CoV-2 and, as you can guess, case numbers are rising. No surprise there.

There is currently no official extension of the transportation mask mandate but during an interview on NBC’s “Today” show Monday, Jha made it clear the Biden regime along with the CDC are planning to push for another extension.

Extending the mask mandate is “a decision that the CDC director, Dr. Walensky, is going to make,” Jha, who took over the COVID Czar position in March, told NBC’s Savannah Guthrie. “This is a CDC decision and I think it is absolutely on the table.”

“Throughout the entire pandemic, we’ve wanted to make decisions based on the evidence and science,” Jha continued, adding, “and that is what I expect we’ll do again this week, once we have that.”

Of course, we knew the federal government wasn’t going to just be defeated. It doesn’t matter that on March 15, the Senate voted to kill the mandate by a 57-40 margin, according to Roll Call, with Republican Mitt Romney predictably being the only Republican to vote against it.

Further, on March 23, the CEOs of 10 major airlines appealed to the White House to drop it and on March 29, 21 states sued the federal government to force an end to the mandate, as ABC News reported.

Who cares what the American people want or think. Not Joe Biden and his regime. There’s another variant! Time to follow the so-called “science” and throw freedom and democracy to the wind.

The Daily Caller noted when he was appointed to his current position, Jha is best known as the architect of the two-week March 2020 lockdown that became colloquially known as “15 days to slow the spread.” That didn’t pan out too well now, did it?

Nonetheless, the people running America are still listening to Jha since he’s willing to “follow the science” and rob Americans of their personal freedoms and liberties. You know, in the name of public health safety, of course.

It’s not important that his little plan to shut the US down for 15 days only resulted in two years of rules, regulations, and restrictions and the unprecedented trampling of the rights of Americans. He’s an “expert” and we dutifully listen to the “experts.”

“In the first 14 months of the pandemic, despite not being a virologist, immunologist or vaccinologist, Jha either appeared or was cited on television news more than 60,000 times, according to TVEyes. He was making 10-12 TV appearances per day at his peak. He claims to have, at one point, been receiving more than 100 media requests per day,” the Daily Caller’s Dylan Housman noted in the March article.

“In those media appearances and tweets, Jha argued for policy in line with the mainstream COVID-19 orthodoxy, and at times has gone beyond it. He has been an advocate for kids masking in schools, and in February, when Democratic governors en masse began to drop mask mandates, said they should consider waiting a bit longer.”

He’s also argued in favor of airline vaccine mandates and, as recently as this January, argued we should still be observing indoor capacity limits.

Fortunately, Jha has lost on most of his suggestions but you can expect to continue wearing face masks on airplanes despite them being one of the most well-ventilated places on planet earth.

So much for following the science.

Copyright 2022.


  1. There has never been any mask study done that did not report that these masks are completely useless for stopping the human-to-human spread of an airborne virus, which is what the Covid viruses are, so why are they demanding we wear these masks, that reduce one’s oxygen intake by 60% to 70%, and when one’s oxygen intake is reduced, it weakens their immune system, which our immune system helps us have a 99% natural recovery rate for the Covid virus.

    If you don’t want to believe any of this, then look up all the mask studies that have ever been done, two by the CDC, one by the WHO, many more by other medical institutions, and two last year by the Standford University medical department and the MIT medical department, all peer reviewed and published in many accepted medical journals.

    The two mask studies done by Stanford University and MIT also proclaimed that ‘social spacing’ in enclosed structures or areas are also completely useless, because it doesn’t matter if people are 6′ or 60′ apart, an airborne virus will be equally distributed by parts per million the same throughout the entire structural areas.

    Doesn’t anyone think for themselves and use ‘critical thinking theory’ and ‘common sense’ any longer, or are we all just indoctrinated robots who automatically obey anything anyone tells us, without questioning why and investigating the science behind a mandate?

    For people who know the truth, these mandates are ridiculous and farcical, but they are afraid to speak-out because the Democrats, liberal news media, censoring social media, politicized medical institutions, politicized federal government departments & agencies, Big Pharma (BP) and their lapdogs ‘CDC & FDA’, that BP owns ‘Lock-Stock-&-Barrel’ through ‘donation funding’ (hidden payoffs), will personally attack and destroy their livelihood, their licenses, their businesses, their reputations and their lives and those of their family.

    It just isn’t profitable or smart to speak-up and ruin one’s life, just to get the truth out to people who prefer the lies over the truth anyway and have been indoctrinated to accept whatever they are told, and to never think for themself, but just obey those in power that seek to be our dictators and tyrants and are destroying our democratic Republic. It’s very exasperating and aggravating to try to explain the truth to people who don’t want the truth, but instead just wants someone to tell them what to do, so they don’t have to make a decision by thinking for themselves.

  2. This b. s. has nothing to do with the “pandemic” and everything to do with the ruination of our country. I’ve had their little disease, and it’s pretty much the flu. Now their stats will tell you otherwise, but the only ones that believe their lies anymore are the ones who still think Joey is doing a bang-up job. So let the idiot doctors that sold their credibility and the fools that voted for this clown in chief lock down and let America get on with life!

  3. So go watch Dr. Bryan Ardis’s interview with Stew Peters called “Watch the Water”…. Extremely compelling theory (with many hard facts to back it) that the gain of function we have all heard about is really the peptides and proteins from snake venom- in particular the King Cobra and krait snake from China. The spike protein in the “virus” is genetically the same as one of the proteins in the King Cobra snake venom. Remdesavir -snake venom; mRNA ‘vax’- also snake venom ( only it is far worse as it gets integrated into the human genome). Furthermore, CDC has on its website all of the hundreds of water systems across the country where they are PCR testing , so IT is in the water- either they are purposefully putting it there, or it’s from those pooping it out, but are they removing it before releasing the ‘cleansed’ water? They could literally be purposefully releasing it in the water to keep this ruse going for eternity…… until everyone tells everyone who tells everyone what they are really doing. No matter how it is released, it is purposeful and until the sheeple wake up and refuse all measures ( masks, mandates) it will continue. The faster the masses get it, the sooner we can get these satanic players tried and sent to prison.

  4. If the Democrats had it their way, we’d be wearing masks for the next 10 years. They want this COVID pandemic to continue so when it comes time to vote in the midterms and in 2024, they can CHEAT AGAIN with their mandated mail in ballots. IT’S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN THIS TIME. You can fool me once, but NEVER AGAIN! I’m not wearing a mask ever again. They can throw me in jail if they want. That’s fine with me. They can house me and feed me for the rest of my life but there is no way in he// that’ll I’ll wear a mask ANYWHERE EVER AGAIN!

  5. So the lie is made to continue, and we allow it to control, outside our laws we once held dear, our entire existence.

    The truth is that ultra violate in class rooms kill the virus, but do we see it used?
    The truth is that ivermectin and other non approved by the which doctor Fauci arer also not used , , , , ,so the nightmare for us will continue. They open the doors of the border for people carrying the illness because they want it to continue.


  7. Dr. Ashish Jha … another solid American with an English sounding background. Wondering if he/she/it is LGBTQLSMFT like the the rest of Biden ‘blood line’ queers, freaks and incompetent commies?


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