ALERT: Payer Of Hunter Biden’s Tax Bill Spied On ‘My Son Hunter’ Movie Set

( Exclusive) – A report from WND has revealed that the attorney who paid off Hunter Biden’s egregiously large $2 million bill in overdue taxes flew aboard a private jet to Serbia in order to infiltrate the film set of an upcoming movie concerning the censored story of “Biden family corruption,” which is based on the many sick and twisted revelations that came from the infamous laptop that implicates Joe Biden in a very lucrative, global influence peddling scheme.

“ reported Hunter Biden’s ‘sugar brother,’ Hollywood attorney Kevin Morris, falsely claimed to ‘My Son Hunter’ co-producer Phelim McAleer that he and two accompanying colleagues were working on a documentary exposing the Biden corruption,” the report said.

“Morris, reported, hid the fact that he was providing legal representation for Hunter Biden and working on media strategy for the president’s son,” the WND report stated.

“Now that I know of his representation of Hunter Biden, his questions while they were filming suddenly make a lot of sense,” McAleer went on to say. “I thought he was just making a documentary but now it appears he was deceptively spying for his client Hunter Biden.”

“The British daily reported that under the guise of documentary filmmakers, Morris and his colleagues got full access to the set for several days, conducting interviews with producers and actors, and taping hours of footage,” the report said.

Serbia is the location that the filmmakers chose for scenes in the movie that are to be set in Ukraine, which is where Hunter was paid a staggering $83,000 a month to sit on the board of a corrupt energy firm that was actually under investigation while his dear old dad was the vice president beneath former President Barack Obama. It just so happened that the elder Biden was in charge of U.S. policy for the country.

There is a video where you can see Joe Biden bragging during a meeting of the Council on Foreign Relations that he forced the Ukrainian president to hand the country’s top prosecutor a pink slip.

During a video interview with WND last month, McAleer stated, “My Son Hunter” sticks to first-hand evidence and that an important part of the post-production process is having the movie vetted by lawyers for accuracy. He hopes to see the film released some time over the summer.

McAleer stated over a year ago, just as the project started, that an “entertaining and enjoyable movie is the best way to tell the story of the Biden family’s corruption and to ensure as many people are educated about this as possible.”

“If the media won’t do their jobs, we’ll do it for them,” he stated.

It’s about time that the truth of what happened with all of this laptop stuff comes out and reaches the masses. And McAleer is absolutely right. A good story told in film or novel form that is entertaining and accurate will reach more people than any other medium.

Be sure to support the film when it is released so individuals like McAleer can continue to make movies and expose the truth.

Copyright 2022.


  1. What would one expect from a sleazy attorney who donates and protects scumbag democrats?
    This scumbag attorney is only interested in making a dollar of of other scumbags ,including Hunter and “the big guy” .

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