Elon Musk Does It Again: Puts Bill Gates In His Place… And 1 Word Is All It Takes

(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – Elon Musk has proven he won’t be intimidated by the world’s elites and he won’t be bullied into submitting to their agenda. He has a mind of his own and oftentimes that mind is aligned with what’s in the best interest of Americans.

It’s hard not to like the guy especially when he’s willing to put arrogant billionaire globalists like Bill Gates in their place. He also manages to do it with brilliant one-word tweets that just seem to get the job done.

In the wake of Gates attempting to short Tesla’s stock, Elon Musk engaged Gates and now the two are essentially in a feud.

The entire ordeal began when a text conversation between Musk and Gates was leaked. Then, during an interview with French YouTuber Hugo Décrypte the issue and the details were discussed.


During the text conversation, Musk said he couldn’t work with Gates on philanthropic projects because Gates was shorting Tesla’s stock in order to make a profit.

Musk contends that Gates bought $500 million in shorting stock against Tesla, according to Fox News.

Musk said that he saw Gates’ behavior as being contradictory to his (Gates’) stance on fighting climate change.

Gates attempted to justify his stance during the interview with Décrypte by saying that Tesla has plenty of capital and that he is very well invested in climate change.

“Tesla’s done a fantastic job … I give a lot more money to climate change than Elon or anyone else … He’s done a great job, but somebody shorting the stock doesn’t slow him down or hurt him in any way,” Gates said.

It’s pretty interesting, to say the least, that Gates is essentially using Tesla and playing the market to make a profit, as if he isn’t already a billionaire. It shows Gates’ character pretty clearly but yet we’re all supposed to trust his motives when it comes to pushing vaccines on the world. Yeah, ok.

Musk, however, responded with one simple word showing that he doesn’t need to engage in futile arguments to come out on top.

He tweeted just one word in response to Gates’ arrogant comments: “Sigh.”

And that’s all that was needed.

With his simple response he showed he clearly wasn’t buying Gates’ story and didn’t appreciate his superior tone.

That’s why people like Elon Musk. He’s a lot like President Trump, just less “mean.” He knows how to go toe to toe with the world’s elites and doesn’t let them push him around just because he refuses to push their agenda.

While Musk is certainly not a conservative, he is willing to take a stand when needed for what’s right and for that we can appreciate him.

Copyright 2022. TeaParty.org


  1. The elitists are upset with President Trump because he exposed how corrupt our systems has become and he slowed their destruction of freedom to install a one world tyranny. looks like things are going to get pretty sporty. freedom will prevail.

    • There’s one thing in common with all of them …Trump Derangement Syndrome.. exposing their crimes against Americans and our institutions is very real . Where’s their hero Ohomo..?

  2. I never considered President TRUMPS tweets to be mean, Some of them i did not particular like but the facts are that they were true and to the point, The petty little Snow Flakes would get upset and thats because they CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH. As for Bill Gates his actions especially in Africa and poor countries around the world speak for themselves His so called humanity relief is on the record.

  3. Last I checked no one elected bill and Melinda gates for anything! They are not scientists they are not politicians and I’m not sure why the democrats put this asshole in charge of decision making for our country. Go live on your private island and get the fuck out of America bill and Melinda gates! And why isn’t Obama’s media taking about Epstein and bill gates close relationship?? Oh that’s right Epstein helped Obama and the Biden’s launder American tax payer money in Ukraine! I’d be quiet also!!

  4. I take only one exception with this article…Trump is never “mean”. He is brash, funny, authentic, curt, pointed, and very often accurate…”mean” is posting photos of a decapitated head so that a person’s children can see…THAT is “mean”.

    • President Trump actually accomplished and worked, something in the District of Corruption never sees or experiences . Insulting the insulters won my respect 10 fold .

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