JUST IN: Father Of School Shooting Victim Has 3-Point Plan To Protect Schools… And It Doesn’t Involve Banning Guns

(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – Andrew Pollack — who is the father of Meadow Pollack, one of the victims killed during the 2018 Parkland, Florida, high school shooting — stated he was “so angry” after hearing about the horrific elementary school shooting that happened in Uvalde, Texas, because, according to him, the whole thing could have been prevented.

As you are probably aware by now, the left has swooped down on the awful tragedy like a vulture to carrion, using the 21 deaths to try and push for strict gun-control laws to be passed as a means of supposedly preventing these kinds of incidents from happening in the future.

However, Pollack does not believe that is the answer to this problem.

“We shouldn’t be focusing on gun control now. Parents should be focused on what they can do. They could learn and educate themselves,” he went on to say during a Fox News appearance on Wednesday.

“We should be looking at what we can be doing to fix these things in schools. A single point of entry. How did the intruder get into the school? It should be locked down. We need school resource officers. And it’s just terrible to think that this was all avoidable,” Pollack continued.

According to The Western Journal, The resident of Florida took to Twitter where he shared a three-point plan to help make schools safer, stating that they need to have an armed guard, a single point of entry, and teacher training.

“We send out $Billions to other countries all the time. Why not fund school safety in America?” Pollack asked in the post.

What Pollack seems to be calling for is controlled access to the building, which means people have to be buzzed in during the school day.

Video footage captured of the shooter reveals that he was dressed all in black and wielding a rifle, one could safely assume that had such a system been in place, he would not have been allowed to come into the building.

This should be common sense, but an armed resource officer should be stationed close to the single point of entry during the school day.

During Pollack’s appearance on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News program, he said, “I’m so angry that I’m practically shaking right now at what happened, at what these parents have to deal with.”

“Even a single point of entry would have prevented it. … This didn’t have to happen today,” he continued.

“It’s the parents. It’s your responsibility where you send your children to school,” Pollack explained.

He then exhorted parents to visit their children’s schools to see if they have taken proper safety measures to prevent incidents like this from happening.

“We have $40 billion to send over to Ukraine to protect their borders, but we can’t protect our children in our country. What are our children worth?… How far could that have went? How many policeman could we have paid with $40 billion to be at schools?” Pollack went on to ask.

A simple point that many of these gun grabbing liberals seem to purposefully ignore is that a weapon isn’t what killed these children. A man did. He is the one responsible for the crime, not the tool used to commit it.

There are dark forces at work in our world. Unfortunately, the left refuses to acknowledge that and work toward exposing the darkness and finding ways to shine light on it in order to stop these shootings by tackling the root cause.

During his remarks on the incident delivered on Tuesday, Biden, as usual, called for a ban on assault weapons, despite the fact that far more people are killed with knives every year than rifles, according to stats put out by the FBI.

“And in fact, there appeared to be no correlation between gun ownership increasing and the murder rate in the United States going back to the 1990s,” the WJ report revealed.

“Notably, the rate remained low and then decreased further after the assault weapons ban, which was signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1994, expired in 2004,” the report continued.

One thing Biden got right is that the founders included the right to bears in the Constitution for a reason other than hunting. It was put in the Bill of Rights in order to provide American citizens with the right to have weapons available to fight off a tyrannical government should it attempt to oppress the people.

Which is why we cannot allow progressives to take that right away.

Copyright 2022. TeaParty.org


  1. Mr. Pollack is right on. The dark force (the Leftist trash in gov’t.) know what the answers are and could care less. If they enforced the laws on the books in the first place, most of these shooters wouldn’t have been armed. They want these shootings; they need these shootings to further their sick agenda. The greed of politicians will be our demise if not stopped. They only care about themselves and have no shame about betraying our country. By the way, if you want to know how to keep any of your nest egg, just find out what currency the politicians are exchanging American money for!

  2. I just read this headline on a article on Breitbart,
    “Joe Biden Suggests Americans Owning AR-15s Are ‘Sick’
    People Who Want to ‘Kill Someone’ ”
    This man who has shut down our oil pipeline, canceled oil leases in multiple exploration areas, refused to protect or bring home our citizens from Afghanistan, but brings thousands of uncleared Afghan people to US as he opens our borders to people who pay cartel up to 12 thousand dollars and allows drugs and human trafficking to be rampant, yet he intends to wipe out the protections provided us, in the Bill of Rights, from his kind of treason, has the shamelessness to rage at the law abiding citizens . He intends to yield our sovereignty of our country to W.H.O.
    The is only the tip of the iceberg of corruption and lawlessness of this man who is striping our Constitution of its authority.

    How many people did you, Biden, and your CDC protocols kill by denying us of appropriate therapeutics for a virus that should have NEVER been able to thrive . Every action Biden has taken has resulted in harm and damage to us, and he rages about what the second amendment protects.

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