WATCH: 36-Year-Old Brazilian Journalist Collapses And Has Five Heart Attacks Days After 3rd COVID Shot

( Exclusive) – The evidence demonstrating that the coronavirus vaccines are incredibly dangerous and likely not a good idea to take for your long-term health continues to mount up.

According to a new report from Infowars, a Brazilian reporter named Rafael Silva, 36, who works for TV Alterosa, fainted during a live television broadcast called “Alterosa Alert” on Monday.

Silva was quickly rescued and then taken to a hospital where he’s currently in the intensive care unit. Here’s the really terrifying bit of the story. The man suffered five, yes, FIVE, heart attacks on the way to the hospital.

Just a few days before this incident took place, Silva celebrated getting his coronavirus booster shot.

“He talked to his mother, his brother, even asked to go to the bathroom. His recovery is the best possible. We are very happy with this news,” Kadu Lopes went on to say during the Alterosa Alerta program that aired on Tuesday, according to Gateway Pundit.

“Last December 28, Silva went on Twitter and bragged about his booster shot and said he felt sorry for people who are not vaccinated,” the report said. “Here’s the translation: “Long live the third dose. I’m sorry for the people who didn’t have this opportunity. Vaccines save lives.”

Of course, the so-called “experts” are all saying that the sudden illness Silva is experiencing has nothing to do with the vaccine. They are stating they have a suspicion that Silva may have genetic congenital heart disease that he was born with and may not have known he had.

However, a recent report has revealed that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website has revealed there has been one million COVID-vaccine injuries thus far reported. Again, that’s just the ones that have been reported.

“VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, reported as of December 24 that there were 21,002 COVID vaccine deaths and a staggering 110,609 hospitalizations, plus a total of 1,000,227 coronavirus vaccine adverse events,” the report said.

“However, many physicians and scientists believe the true figures are much higher. Physicians who sued the FDA for documents related to clinical trials for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine estimate the true numbers are five times higher. A recent study led by a researcher at Columbia University estimated the actual figures are higher by a factor of 20. If the underreporting factor is correct, it would mean that there are nearly 400,000 deaths due to COVID-19 vaccines,” the WND report said.

This is insanity, folks. How much more do people need to see and hear before they finally accept that this vaccine is not effective against COVID and puts them unnecessarily at risk?

The government is working overtime to prevent Americans from getting the truth they need to hear when it comes to this vaccine. In bed with Pfizer, everyone is making money and the government is gaining more and more power over the people.

What a scam.

Copyright 2022.


  1. The fraud is that the propagated lie that the vaccine protects you is spread like the virus and people believe the lie and take the bait over and over again in spite of the reality of what is going on around them.


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