WATCH: Biden’s Press Conference Completely Blows Up In His Face

( Exclusive) – It has now been revealed to the entire world that the United States of America is currently languishing under the weakest leadership it has ever had to endure, thanks to the Democratic Party and Joe Biden.

This is something the vast majority of American citizens were already well aware of, but Biden’s response to Russia invading Ukraine during a press conference on Thursday has clued the rest of the world to just how spineless this administration really is.

According to The Western Journal, the press conference did absolutely nothing to clarify what, exactly, the U.S.’s response to this act of aggression would be. Most of the remarks and comments made weren’t even completely coherent, which, again, has become a cause for concern for Americans who want to know their president’s cognitive abilities are sharp.

During the press conference, Biden condemned the invasion of Ukraine, however, he more or less revealed that he’s sticking to the idea that harsh sanctions will be enough to bring this all to an end and bring Russia back in line.

However, Cecilia Vega, the White House correspondent for ABC News, noted during her questions for Biden that sanctions have clearly not worked to stop Russian President Vladimir Putin so far.

“Sanctions clearly have not been enough to deter Vladimir Putin to this point. What is going to stop him? How and when does this end and do you see him trying to go beyond Ukraine?” Vega went on to ask.

But Biden remained unclear in his remarks considering the whole situation. All throughout the press conference, Biden wore an expression on his face that made him look like a deer caught in headlights as he stumbled and mumbled in his answers.

Vega then asked Biden for his thoughts about Putin’s comments and the threats he made to the West.

“The statement that he made last night, the threat that he gave, the west will face consequences greater than any you have faced in history. Is he threatening a nuclear strike?” Vega asked.

Biden seemed to have no real answer, only going on to say that sanctions will take time to work.

“I have no idea what he’s threatening. I know what he has done, number one. And number two, no one expected the sanctions to prevent any from happening … this could take time. And we have to show resolve so he knows what’s coming and so the people of Russia know what he’s brought on them. That’s what this is all about. This is going to take time,” Biden said.

“He’s going to test the resolve of the west to see if we stay together. And we will. We will and it will impose significant cost on him,” Biden then added.

Biden then revealed that he has no plan to talk to Putin. This man’s leadership is a total joke.

“The fact that Biden is just going to rely on time to solve issues is not promising, since there are already reports of deaths and casualties in Ukraine and Russia is continually bombing areas throughout the country, CNN reported,” WJ said in its piece.

“When Russia began the attacks, Biden issued a statement saying, ‘Tonight, Jill and I are praying for the brave and proud people of Ukraine,” the report continued.

“Prayers may be appreciated, but a clear effort to actually end the conflict and death would probably be even more appreciated. Instead, Biden warned that this will just take time,” the report said.

When Biden was asked whether or not he had asked China to help isolate Russia, he had no answer to give.

“I’m not prepared to comment on that at the moment,” Biden replied.

What, exactly, are Biden’s plans for solving this situation? Very vaguely during the press conference he referred to maintaining strength in Eastern Europe and helping NATO stand together and be strong.

That, coupled with sanctions — which will take a long time — are all he has for a plan of attack.

“While the U.S. may not need to start bombing the daylights out of Moscow in response to this invasion, the very least that the president could do would be to give a coherent and stern press conference to show some resolve,” the report noted correctly.

He should have made a similar response to that put out by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who was quick on the draw and slapped Russia with huge sanctions.

“Specifically, Johnson’s sanctions are at least aiming to hit Putin where it could hurt him some. The UK is targeting banks in order to freeze Russian assets, as well as oligarchs and members of Putin’s close circle who are within reach of the British,” the report said.

Rather than making excuses like “sanctions will take time,” Johnson said that Putin will never be able to cleanse the “blood of Ukraine from his hands,” and other such comments.

This is possibly the worst time to appear weak on the global stage, yet here we are, thanks to Joe Biden.

Copyright 2022.


  1. When President Trump was in office, he saw to it that we didn’t have to go to and beg other countries for our energy needs, President Trump made sure Americans had their own energy sources and supplies, but Biden put a stop to those polices and energy agenda, only because President Trump was the one to achieve that milestone.

    Global Warming & Climate Change is not being caused by the transparent gas CO2, as it is well below normal amounts in the Earth’s atmosphere, and this is what causes the Earth’s deserts to grow. The wobble in the Earth’s axis from the normal 17 degrees, which causes our summers in one hemisphere and winters in the opposite hemisphere, is now wobbling from 17 degrees to 23 degrees, and back again to 17 degrees, and the larger the tilt, the warmer and cooler those hemispheres become.

    The American people have been lied to by the Democrats to scare the American people into voting for them, because they claim they can and will stop the Global Warming & Climate Change by reducing the CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere, which only reduces vegetation, does nothing for the warming and cooling of the atmosphere, because the gas is completely transparent, but this has caused great financial suffering by the people attempting to afford their energy needs, and all this for no good reason.

    How do humans stop a wobble in the Earth’s axis in it’s rotation to stop the Global Warming & Climate Change? They can’t, as the Earth, designed by God, resets the balance of the axis wobble through the molten center being drawn to the surface by the spin of the Earth and the gravity of the Sun, takes new routes to the surface to develope volcanos, which each volcano’s molten lava path to the surface hardens and it’s new hardened weight rebalances the Earth’s rotation like the lead weights balance a car’s tires.

    This is a natural occurrence that has happened down through history and it comes in long period cycles, and is why the Earth’s atmosphere was much warmer during the existence of the Roman Empire, but all the volcanic eruptions during that time did rebalance the Earth’s rotations setting the axis at it’s normal tilt to keep the seasons going at mild temperatures, so vegetation can grow and crops can be harvested to feed all life on Earth, because volcanos also emit huge amounts of CO2, a natural airborne fertilizer, just as nitrogen in the Earth’s atmosphere also does.

    Without CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere, all life on Earth would die out!

    • You’ll never get today’s low info progressive liberal trash to agree or understand the actual science you’ve posted . Remember, they’re the ones who gobbled up every word their hero Obama ever said .
      These stooges , including John Kerry push this scheme while Europe burns in Ukraine.


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