WATCH: Pelosi’s Brain Totally Breaks For 7 Seconds When Hit With Question

( Exclusive) – Joe Biden’s not the only one who’s clearly suffering from cognitive decline in the swamp. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appears to be facing similar struggles.

During a Sunday interview with CNN’s Dana Bash on the network’s “State of the Union,” Pelosi was asked whether Democratic leaders should have done more to prevent a conservative majority on the Supreme Court.

Bash said that for decades, conservatives have been open about their desire to overturn Roe v Wade. She pointed out there are many on the left who feel that Pelosi and the Democrats “should have seen this coming.”

The Speaker, who is 82-years-old, attempted to respond but instead looked like she was having a medical emergency. She stammered and stuttered, making random sounds, until finally she was able to form words into an attack on President Trump.

“I mean, the point is — who would have ever suspected that a creature like Donald Trump would become president of the United States, waving a list of judges that he would appoint, therefore getting the support of the far right and — ah — appointing those anti — dis — freedom judges to the court,” Pelosi managed to say with great difficulty.

It’s truly hard to watch.

To be fair, it’s really not fair for liberals to suggest Democrats could have done something to prevent Republican presidents from nominating Supreme Court justices especially because Democrats gave everything they had in attempting to sink Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation and it didn’t work.

Democrats have tried everything they possibly can to keep Roe v Wade from being overturned but the reality is, they have failed and that’s because they don’t hold all the power in the US.

The 1973 Roe v Wade decision is a blight on US history. It was a horribly written decision and deeply flawed. It has resulted in the murder of millions of babies and in the end morality, common sense, and justice will prevail.

Pelosi, however, can’t speak on the topic of abortion from any place of reason. It would damage the Democratic Party. So, instead, she rambled on and did what Dems do best: bashed President Trump.

This isn’t the first time Pelosi has looked like she suffers from cognitive decline. While discussing the Supreme Court with ABC News host George Stephanopoulos in 2020, her brain appeared to completely shut off.

The interview took place in the aftermath of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death and Pelosi was discussing the possibility of Trump filling her seat.

“Well, we have our options,” Pelosi said. “We have arrows in our quiver that I’m not about to discuss right now, but the fact is we have a big challenge in our country.”

Stephanopoulos asked Pelosi to clarify she was “not taking any arrows out of your quiver,” and it was at that point that Pelosi seemed to lose it.

“Good morning,” Pelosi said. “Sunday morning.

“We have a responsibility, we take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

“We have a responsibility to meet the needs of the American people. That is, when we weigh the equities, protecting our Democracy requires us to use every arrow in our quiver.”

While Pelosi eventually got back around to the “arrows” question, her initial response was completely disoriented and unrelated. She just looked like a confused old woman.

Democrats apparently love having leaders who routinely display symptoms of dementia. It could be because the radical left knows Americans don’t support their agenda but with leaders who look as clueless and inept as Biden and Pelosi, Americans just might believe they just don’t know what they’re doing.

We’re not buying the charade. It’s time for a massive red wave.

Copyright 2022.


  1. November is too far away
    these people are out of control. the next thing China will shut down are power grid and internet,they own Smithfield meats for Christ sake. it’s a systematic destruction of democracy. I and many know what the Biden ghoul crew actually achieved. They antagonized racism, they set forth mass chaos, they tried to rule with lies and bully-itnism- and their woke-ness far left horseshit will never TAKE on tried and true PATRIOTS. Build the wall, make are own energy, cut ties with all nations,disban Nato, MAGA right before the left’s ugly eyes.

  2. We can only hope that the voters OF SAN FRANCISCO will wake up and remove this woman from office She like Biden are no longer capable of handling the duties of the office, We all are well aware that SAN FRANCISCO IS one of the most if not the most Liberal cities in the country, But one would think that even Liberals would finally reach a breaking point and realize this woman is unfit to serve them or the country. We absolutely need term limits for those serving in Congress, I dont believe that our founding fathers ever intended that we should have lifetime Politicians longevity does not relate to good government, The problem with longevity in office leads to self-serving politicians that no longer serve the citizens of their community. This November we have the opportunity to send these people home and its not just limited to Democrats members of both parties that have been in Washington far too long, Its past time to send the lifetime self-serving power hungry incompetent members of Congress to the unemployment line, We dont need career politicians we need leadership.

  3. Who would ever imagine that the democrats would put a person in power in the WH for 12 years, he is directing through the idiot, who treated the question of his citizenship as a joke and puts a mentally incompetent puppet in office via illegal votes.

    Who would think that our society would stoop so low to think that it is about “her body” as she has the body of her child torn into piece that are sold through planned parenthood.

    Who would have ever thought that the CDC and FDA would prevent therapeutics that would cure Covid from being used to save the lives of millions of Americans, but require a shot that these institutions KNOW would not prevent or protect from the virus, yet kills thousands of people and causes a multitude of illnesses as the receivers of the shot spread the virus.

    Who would think that millions of illegals would be encouraged to come into America illegally and be given preference over the citizens having the baby formula provided for illegals only.

    This lady, Pelosi, is a snake!

  4. If you don’t believe Trump Derangement Syndrome is real , you’ve never seen this piece of liberal trash Nancy Pelosi actions in the last 6 years . Deplorable is to kind in describing this b*tch ?

    • Yep. The old hag has long since been off her rocker … conspiring with the globalist controlled SOB Biden. Her latest move now allows caterers to bring her liquor into the capitol … just what a drunken commie needs delivered to government offices. Like every other one of the Biden regime misfits and freaks, she is a complete imbecile POS.

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